Thursday 14 November 2013

Access Quickbooks Hosting Anywhere, Anytime

What is QuickBooks Hosting by
Quickbooks is an Intuit Hosting accounting Program that allows last-users to have their licensed copies of QuickBooks desktop software installed on servers in an authorized remote hosting facility, and then access that software over the Internet connection on a virtual desktop via a secure and reliable connection and a web browser has created a special program to authorize certain Commercial hosting companies, Certified QuickBooks Pro Advisors, and Cloudwalk Hosting Solution Providers to deliver authorized remote hosting services (often called application Hosting service provider or "ASP" services) to their respective customers who have purchased valid QuickBooks licenses for each product and user. CWHS Hosting Company is solely responsible for the security, privacy and availability of their hosting services.
Q: What does "hosting" mean?
Hosting simply means that the QuickBooks software and data files are stored, accessed and run on the service provider servers, rather than on your own PC. You connect via the Internet to the service provider systems to access and run your QuickBooks software and your data files.
About Cloud QuickBooks Hosting Services.
Cloud QuickBooks Hosting Services is a leading QuickBooks Hosting Provider, also specialized in all kinds of tax and accounting application hosting. The company provides 24X7 free technical support, daily data backup, strong security measures and no setup and migration cost. is considered to be the most cost effective hosting provider by practicing with standard IT measures.
We also provide other software hosting services such as Peachtree Hosting, Drake Hosting, ATX Hosting, Lacerte Hosting and most other tax and accounting software hosting services.


  1. QuickBooks is bookkeeping answer for every one of the organizations in the business. The product is various clients available which permits approved experts to team up on the graphical UI application.

  2. QuickBooks Hosting by MyQbHost provides a fully functional desktop version of QuickBooks on the cloud in a highly secure and robust environment. QuickBooks Cloud Hosting enables CPAs, accountants, and business owners to access their accounting files from anywhere, anytime and on any device. So, no more sending files back and forth over emails.

  3. QuickBooks cloud hosting makes all your accounting and financial resources accessible from any geographical location, via the internet. The remote access it offers makes you and your organization operate from any part of the world, not being limited to your local network. QuickBooks hosting has many benefits nowadays and is highly popular in small to medium business . With the assistance of QuickBooks hosting you'll access accounting files at any time from anywhere. Sagenext offers excellent cloud hosting to make your work much easier. With our cloud hosting servers you will get 24X7 prompt support, 99.99% guaranteed uptime and platform flexibility at an unbeatable price.

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